alt summit roundup – blog schoolin’

SO much information to take in in two days!  Luckily, my brain was a cooperative sponge, and I happily soaked up all this fabulousness {or, at the very least jotted it down!}.  With a party every night, socializing and lounging {alt lounge that is} between sessions, ALT was way more fun than school!  Not to mention the teachers {read panelists}…

what I learned at altsummit – day 1

A - maz - ing.  What an awesome experience and an inspirational conference.  Not to get too philosophical, but it kinda restored my faith in humanity.  I know that sounds so big picture, but I don't think I have ever been around that many sharing, caring and supportive women EVER.  Not to mention talented and business savvy too.  And each…