{menu} easter brunch and hot-crossed bun love

hot crossed buns via {a href="http://www.poiresauchocolat.net/2011/04/hot-cross-buns-v2.html" target"_blank"}poires au chocolat{/a} You know how a lot of food blogs have really cool web names based on their favorite dish?  If I was a food blogger, mine would be called hotcrossedbuns.com, because you guessed it, I LOVE me some HCB.  Well, that site might get blocked since it sounds X rated.  And maybe it should be, seeing that it would have the…

Lychee raspberry mojito martini

Lychee Mojitini OMG.  Can it be?  My two favorite drinks combined into one delectable elixir.  Well, I don't want to forget about my other favorite drink, the margarita, but we are on hiatus right now due to the copious amounts of chips and salsa consumed while imbibing.   Now, where were we.  Why yes, my new favorite cocktail... Continue reading →