Ah, the magic of spring. How I look forward to this time of year. Growing up in the frozen north, spring was a long awaited respite from the winter doldrums. We couldn’t wait to get outdoors, and with the snow melt, that always meant rubber boots and MUD! Maybe this explains a certain fondness I have for wellies… too bad there weren’t such fabulous colors and patterns back then!! On our spring walkabouts, we would delight in all signs of spring – from pussy willows to baby frogs and the first crocus blooms of the year.

photo credit: colorful rubber boots, muddy boots, pussy willows
For others, it is a time for new beginnings, tackling those pesky projects and getting a fresh start. Cleaning closets come to mind, although I suspect it is to clear room for a brilliant and colorful spring wardrobe. Here are three great ways to celebrate spring:
1. A Clean out your Closet or Swap Party – Can’t bear to donate all those fabulous fashion finds you are no longer wearing to Goodwill? Pool resources with your girlfriends and throw a swap party! Now you still enjoy your great sense of style – on some one else! Check out more with this great how to at lemondrop.com (now huffingtonpost.com/women/)

photo credit: swap party
2. Host a Spring Fling Party – At long last everyone has come out from winter hibernation; why not celebrate spring with Spring Fling Party! Here is some great inspiration to get you started over at Giggles Galore – with colorful signage courtesy of whimsical printables.

photo credit: spring fling party
3. A Rainbow Inspired Child’s Birthday party – A wonderful spectrum of bright colors and creative ways to feature rainbows over at Sweetest Occasions’ Super Epic Rainbow Birthday Party blog.

photo credit: color spectrum tree
Post a comment to let us know how you celebrate or your fond memories of the arrival of spring!

photo credit: baby frog, crocus blooms