Well, you knew it was coming. I had to hold myself back, but I can finally unleash the hounds and post my fall menu inspiration. Secretly I had already started, I mean come on, how could I look at images of rubber boots and farm scenes all day and not daydream about home cookin’. Soups and stews, roast beef and freshly scrubbed potatoes, apple crisp and all that lovely comfort food eaten without a care in the world. Sigh.
{photo source} Vivid Chard, Leaf Place Setting, Fresh Figs, Red Barn, Dinner Table, Colorful Apple Buckets
For me, celebrating the harvest season is synonymous with food. And work bees. I mean, essentially the harvest season was about, well, the harvest. Which meant rolling up your sleeves, and helping your peeps with outdoorsy stuff. This day and age, we don’t seem to do this type of thing anymore. Us urban folk, anyway. We have Costco to ensure our freezer is well-stocked for winter and our local farmers market for a supply of seasonal produce. Not to mention gardeners, house cleaners, and car washes to free us from the mundane in order to… work? Well, let’s hope it is to take time out of our busy lives to celebrate and enjoy these would-be harvest worker bee friends of ours.

A harvest meal is rooted in the slow food movement. Locally grown ingredients prepared while slaving over a hot stove. With love ♥. In another time, getting the women-folk together in the kitchen was the source of easy conversation. So, in an effort to set the scene, let’s get our ladies stylin’ and profilin’ in some aprons via Etsy. I would wear an apron to my grown up job if it wouldn’t completely weird out my clients … Careful on that Etsy, it’s a rabbit hole I tell ya’ –
{photo source} Paisley Apron, Orange Dot Apron
To keep the energy levels high and the conversation flowing, a wine and cheese tasting is a great amuse bouche for the harvest meal. Encourage new exploration in contrast to the comfort food to follow. Like an interesting selection of artisanal cheeses from your local cheese monger paired with a great selection of wines. With the first day of fall, red wine season is now officially here. Hurray! Like linen in the summer and not wearing white after labor day – it’s one of those unwritten rules… if you follow that sort of thing. Check out this clever idea for a wine and cheese tasting party here.
{Wine and Cheese Tasting Party Chalkboard}
Since reading the inspirational issue of Styled, I have had figs on the brain. which reminded me, I have always wanted to try Jamie Oliver’s fig salad, which he refers to as sexy. If Jamie’s selling sexy, I’m buying…
Oh right. AND its time to start making soup again. All of those lovely tongue tickling flavors distilled into a simple liquid. How the heck does that happen?!?
{Sweet Potato & Pear Soup Photo & Recipe}
Why is it that some people don’t like beets? Are you messing with me? C’mon. These are the bestest roots of the bunch. Roasted Beets? Bomb. The only possible justification for not loving this gorgeous root might be that you dropped one on your best dress – he is a pretty colorful guy. Then maybe I could understand.
Now, in light of the fact that most folks I know have sworn off massive hunks of red meat, I will have to shelf the chateau-briand-come-pot-roast main dish. And, cuz I discovered this great Urban Stew recipe when I was surfing earlier in the week (told ya!). Not to mention the poetic text-scape this dish if offered up on this delightful blog.

{Urban Stew}
Now I thought I would leave dessert to the experts, mainly cuz I like to focus on the meal part of the menu. I think you are either a baker or a cook, unless of course, you are a professional or just much more talented than yours truly. Completely possible. So with a pinch of this and a dash of that, I cook (I hear this method doesn’t turn out so well in baking). Except for Apple Crisp. That. I. Do. So this lovely little peach number is an ode to my one and only baking victory ( well, that and banana loaf. that one is just cuz I’m a real good reader, and the recipe compliments to my bestie, Paige).
{Caramel Crab Apples, Peach Crisp, Warm Chocolate Cake with Toasted Mashmallow Meringue, Dulce de Leche Cheescake Recipe}
But this is a small dessert, in need of some sweet friends. I think Caramel Crab Apples would be a great companion. And some mini desserts (from your local sweet shop) to create a fall dessert fantasy – Crème Brulee, Caramel Pecan Cheesecake, and anything with Toasted Marshmallow. Mmm, toasted marshmallow. Life is now complete.
Hello Missy the site looks awesome….I am trying to follow but for some reason it is not allowing me to. Going to try again. It was awesome seeing you yesterday!
Thanks MB. Let me know which social media you are trying to follow and I will look into it. Good seeing you too!
GFC google friends connect
xoxo Mommy Bags
Who would have ever thought of caramel crabapples? What a great idea! And I just happen to have a crabapple tree that still has some fruit waiting to be harvested (some that the deer cannot reach)….