{menu} easter brunch and hot-crossed bun love

hot crossed buns via {a href="http://www.poiresauchocolat.net/2011/04/hot-cross-buns-v2.html" target"_blank"}poires au chocolat{/a} You know how a lot of food blogs have really cool web names based on their favorite dish?  If I was a food blogger, mine would be called hotcrossedbuns.com, because you guessed it, I LOVE me some HCB.  Well, that site might get blocked since it sounds X rated.  And maybe it should be, seeing that it would have the…

Last Minute Halloween Baking

As always, this week was hectic at work.  I haven’t been too busy to notice, however, the scrumptious treats parading by my desk on a daily basis.  Home baked cookies, cupcakes decorated with orange and black icing, and let’s not forget the prepackaged candy intended to give out to young trick-or-treaters!  I am surrounded by this stuff! Of course I…